Monday, March 27, 2023

Spring Awakening

Since we have recently entered the anticipated season of spring, I found a lovely poem by my favorite author, John O'Donohue, from his book "To Bless the Space Between Us:A Book of Blessings."

"Within the grip of winter, it is almost impossible to imagine the spring. The gray perished landscape is shorn of color. Only bleakness meets the eye; everything seems severe and edged. Winter is the oldest season; it has some quality of the absolute. Yet beneath the surface of winter, the miracle of spring is already in preparation; the cold is relenting; seeds are wakening up. Colors are beginning to imagine how they will return. Then, imperceptibly, somewhere one bud opens and the symphony of renewal is no longer reversible. From the black heart of winter a miraculous, breathing plentitude of color emerges.

The beauty of nature insists on taking its time. Everything is prepared. Nothing is rushed. The rhythm of emergence is a gradual slow beat always inching its way forward; change remains faithful to itself until the new unfolds in the full confidence of true arrival. Because nothing is abrupt, the beginning of spring nearly always catches us unaware. It is there before we see it; and then we can look nowhere without seeing it."

For me, the longer days of light, warmer temperatures, the assurance of blossoms and new growth, and the varied songs of the birds, give me joy and confidence that the rhythm of nature becomes awake inside my soul. 

What is your favorite sign of spring?

My pretty tulips and pansies from our garden in East Lyme, CT.  They make me smile.

Some beauty from Boiling Springs, Pa.

May we remember to be good stewards of the generous bounty of God's creation.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Lenten nuggets

As Henri Nouwen once wrote, "O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen."   Upon reflection----

L---eaning into fully knowing God's deep Love for me

E---xamining my own brokenness and exploring ways to heal that brokenness

N---ever forgetting the power of patience and purposeful waiting to see God's will in         my life

T---hanking God for His everlasting mercy and forgiveness which is never failing

I have decided to share little nuggets of my faith journey this Lenten season. They will be brief and simple compared to some of my previous ones when it seemed like I remained in one big loooooong and complicated Good Friday.  Many of those deep struggles I share in my book. 

This Lenten season may I have the courage and strength to help others walk their unique path of difficulty and questioning by offering my presence in whatever small way I am capable. 

If you would like to share your thoughts, please do so either on my blog directly or as a private message on FB or IG.  Joining with you would be my honor. Let me know how I can pray for you.

May we continue to reach for the light just like these pretty crocuses.