Thursday, July 30, 2020

Everything seems upside down and inside out

We have been enduring this COVID epidemic since March, and we are now almost to the end of July, but who is counting?  Right? As things stand now, our endurance is certainly calling for more patience.  However,  patience is running thin in most of us.  Truth be told, simple kindness and respect are running thin as well. 

For me, the world seems to be upside down and inside out on so many levels. I find reality hard to grasp.  There is heavy tension and unrest which feed negative energy  throughout the air we breathe.  People are becoming completely unhinged at their seams.  It is frightening. 

Certain social justice issues must be addressed and conversations WITH one another must be brought to the table.  We all need to learn to step into each other's shoes for a bit and see things from their perspective.  Let us challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and really listen to one another more intently and without judgement.  Talk less and listen more.

The isolation from our loved ones is wearing thin and emotionally draining.  Our hearts are breaking, and it is taking a toll on all of us.   May we keep reaching out to our dear ones in special ways by offering love and support the best we know how.  We will all be better for it.

                                 Poem for a pandemic   by John Mark Green

"Our carefully crafted illusion of predictable security
    destroyed by a simple virus.
We watch as the well-oiled gear of our elaborate world machine
     grinds to a shuddering-halt.
An invisible enemy illuminates hidden lines of out interdependence.
Eerie silence prowls empty streets.
Enforced isolation teaching us just how much we need each other."