Thursday, February 28, 2019

Season of waiting

Waiting is something we all do most of the time.  There always seems to be a reason to wait.  Some reasons are good, some are scary, some are long, some short, and the list goes on.  The end of February marks the transition from Winter to Spring.  There is much waiting in the stillness of this delicate time. 

I am anxious to see the first signs of Spring in my yard when my purple crocuses pop their cuteness up from the cold ground saying happily, "We are here!  We are here!  We know you missed us!"  Indeed, I have.

For now, I will try and wait patiently to allow nature to unfold in its due time.  I know waiting can be awkward and uncomfortable in many circumstances, but there can be joy in the waiting if we choose to look for it.  Much of life calls for the acceptance of both/and instead of strictly either/or.  Let's allow space for both/and in the waiting to feel the loving
mercy and goodness of our Creator. 

John Tarrant, in The Light Inside the Darkness says,"We are waiting for the seasons to change for our time to come around, or that opening to appear in the Tao where we can walk through and touch somebody.  Whereas if we had moved before, everything would have been wrong---no point, no effect.  Sometimes the right thing to do is should enjoy yourself and eat and drink and be of good cheer.  We do not need to be dour because we are in tune with the seasons."

I wish all of you peaceful and patient waiting
in all of your circumstances no matter how easy or
difficult they may be.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    I admit I don't like to wait, but there is something sacred in having anticipation for something or someone to arrive. As you well know, God has taught me that I must, indeed, wait upon Him. His timing is not my timing. And sometimes we have to wait for the dark clouds to pass and the sun to shine again - metaphorically speaking. Thanks for the reminder to have patience while I wait upon Him.
    Bev xoxo
