Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Soulutions for the new year

The New Year is upon us as well as a new decade!  I have taken time to ponder and reflect not only the past year but also the past ten years.   I imagine you have done the same to some extent.  Reviewing the past carefully and intentionally certainly lends a colorful perspective to the present landscape.

For me, I stepped into 2010 with energy, goals to obtain, and a faith filled with hope.  My sons were at different stages finishing high school and preparing for college, so I was preparing for our home environment to change.  Middle age was staring me in the face, and I was trying to figure out how to respond to this new phase of life.  I knew I wanted to get my body stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

My days were starting to get filled with activities that suited "my plans".  I felt in control and definitely driving in the driver's seat.  My days were fulfilling because I was in the "doing" mode.  Many volunteer opportunities awaited me, and I was excited to jump aboard and get involved.   Little did I know that those plans were soon to change.

The beginning of 2010 met me with a huge dropping of the ball but not of the beautiful, glitzy New York city kind.   By mid January, I actually did not know what ball hit me.   It turned out that ball did have a name----viral meningitis and shingles.  It flattened me in no time and I was in the hospital before I really knew what the heck was happening.  Suffice to say that "my plans" certainly changed.

For the next decade I climbed mountains, ran marathons, swam in stormy waters, and rode every sickening, fast roller coaster known to man.  I did these activities day after day after day as I traversed the journey of chronic migraine.  I lived through the high of the highs and the low of the lows never imagining the darkness could be so dark.

Now stepping into this new decade, I am wiser, stronger, confident, and more compassionate for those who suffer.  My faith has grown deeper and God has saved me from myself.  My gratitude runs deep and wide for every blessing.  Lessons are still being learned, and I now know how to live a full life regardless if I am "doing" or "being".   Life is good even with my chronic illness.  It took me almost ten years to embrace this.

So here it is 2020 .   I am once again going to live out  Soulutions instead of resolutions.  This was created by Ann Voskamp, author and speaker.   Here is an example if you wish to do the same.   Think on the word and then fill in the blanks.  It is a meaningful exercise that is directed toward your soul.

Once again, thank you everyone who has and still is loving me and helping me on my journey!!  May this new year be full of happiness and blessings to you!

                                   I PURPOSE TO

Let Go----------

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Lisa. We are always “Practicing” at this thing called life - one day at a time. And, what a master you’ve become. Love you always and forever ♥️♥️♥️
